Published on February 17, 2015 By damoose In GalCiv Beta Feedback

Played my first game. Small map, randomly generated, 3 races.

Couple of things came up:

1) What is with that flight limit line (dashed white line) for the war ships? Or maybe it was just my war ships because you know the [whispers...] monkey thing. Engine tech limit or something? I get that I think, but aside from the edges of the map where there be monsters I should be able to drift lost is space for eternity or at least til the end of the game if I so choose. Might take a while to get from place to place though. I spent no time going through the tech tree so it s unclear what governs the limit. May be if I read the docs... nah...

2) Noticed there were not a lot of planetary improvements on the conquered worlds. Like all the research went in to mil and trade techs... no environmental stuff or at least nothing that got built on planet.

3) Speaking of building I presume that none of the invasion tech is working because like none of the planet based weaponry even slowed my attackers down. What is with that? I get that throwing really big rocks from great height is a killer. But really... There is a big fracking planetary defense gun sitting there and it is the home of one of my military colleges. Can I get at least a token resistance?

4) Converting things. Specifically ships from one type to another in the middle of space, even upgrading them. A master of space and time and energy I am.... silly little monkey wants to rule the uni. At least a space dock is required yes? I get the upgrade of ships within a type because micro management is rough enough as it is, but cross type?

5) Oh and don't get me started on shipyard build queues. Do I really have to cancel everything in the queue to get that transport built first even rushed? Did I miss a key sequence some place? Because drag and drop 2 queue spots at a time... really annoying when you have a 20 ship build queue running.

6) And the reason for this post. Die already. I mean really. I killed you. I invaded and killed you, I destroyed every space based and planetary base member of your race. STOP begging for mercy. I don't believe in ghosts and it is annoying.

Aside: Wow... this place looks exactly the same as it did the last time I was here. I mean the colours have changed but the layout... wow. And Kryo is here... working for Frogboy... and... and... and...

on Feb 17, 2015

the aside makes me wonder, but on the off chance this is mot just trolling....

1 life support range. Considering the starting ships all have different ranges ND the details of every ship along with details pane on the build screw shows it... This shouldn't be a mystery

 2. Beta Ai has been explained many times eksewhere


3. Invasion stuff needs to get passed the defending fleet... No defending fleet... Nothing to get passed.

4. Also explained elsewhere, but the costs for this are not enabled right now to mske testing easier.

5. Drag & drop.

6. Acknowledged issue I believe.



on Feb 17, 2015

2). The AI is still a rudimentary place holder for the "real" AI, which is being developed as we speak.

6). This issue has been identified and acknowledged by Stardock. A fix is forthcoming.

on Feb 18, 2015

No not trolling, just have not been in a GalCiv forum for about 7 or 8 years. And saw some familiar names and layout. Struck me as very familiar and at the same time different, cognitive dissonance if you will.

1) No... It was a mystery. I presume range is calculated from build star base of record and that fleets use the least value for range because that would explain the fluctuating limits. Got it.

3) Ah of course no ships and no soldiers... 

As for the rest thanks for the info guys.


on Feb 18, 2015

1) It's actually calculated based on the nearest star base or colony (think 'refueling stop'), not the star base a ship was constructed from.  So for example, if you have life support to go 15 hexes, you can go up to 15 hexes from any colony or star base, in any direction.  Different ships have a different amount of life support (some may be 10 hexes, some if you just pile on life support may be 100), which is why the line will be different for different ships, but will be in the same identical place for copies of the same ship.



on Feb 18, 2015

I should note one little weirdness - you CAN cross gaps, as long as your destination is in a life-support-covered area.  For example, if you (somehow) have two starbases on completely different ends of the galaxy, and a ship with 5 hexes of life support, your ship CAN go between the two, but you can't change its course or the like until it gets back into a life-support area (Gal Civ 2 called this putting the crew into suspended animation or some such, I believe).

on Feb 19, 2015

Yes I did notice the 'gap' and presumed exactly as you have described... shortest route to the destination and all that.

